Start Here: for Juicier Job Offers & Faster Promos
An up-to-date index of tactics, and success stories from the readers who use them to win
Welcome, Avatar!
Many come to me with similar questions.
How do I get a promo?
How do I break in to tech?
How do I switch to a higher paying job?
Should I become an engineering manager?
How do I start making wifi-money?
Can I build wifi-money while I still have my day job?
Yes, you just need a kvm switch, brother.
This post will serve as an always up-to-date index of tactics and answers you need to answer all of these questions and more.
None of these problems are complex or rocket science. With the right tactics you can win.
You don’t need 150 IQ, you just need to humble yourself and do what it takes.
If you read these, apply them, and don’t succeed, I’ll refund your subscription.
It’s time for you to succeed, anon. The rest of your life starts now.
Success Stories

For BowTiedFocus: $10,000 promotion / $125 for an annual sub = 80,000% ROI
What will your ROI be when you join as a paid subscriber?
Hey Fullstack, hope you've been well! I wanted to let you that I got a Senior Engineer offer from my old company! We spoke in December via DM, when I had just been pipped / fired from my bigtech startup job. At the time, my confidence was at all alltime low, but I read your article “Fired Every Year? You might be the problem.” almost every week to reframe my situation and to focus on the learnings I had. This gave me a lot of confidence in the interview process.
I also just straight up told them what you mentioned rather than be candid about getting fired, and I think that left a strong impression on them. Thanks a ton for your help! Looking forward to what you're going to put out on the substack this year.

Got another cool update - made a promo packet, asked my company for a promo, they said no. Got a competing offer from a startup at senior level, took it to my company to match, and they agreed to the promo! I’m now a staff engineer! Thanks Fullstack!
Once again, thanks for your suggestions to make a promo packet. I'm sure the threat of losing me made them motivate them to give me the promo but they needed some evidence to get the budget, which based on the promo packet I had was apparently very straightforward.
Hey Fullstack, I have another cool update for you. There was an outage on prod the other day due to a platform related bug, and I went headfirst into it despite being a product engineer. (Can't remember the article on the Stack where I read it, but I remember you writing about this for sure). Then I shipped a fix... that promptly brought down staging.
Reverted the change, fixed the issue again, wrote up a detailed RCA, and deployed a final fix that I'm testing right now (inspired by "Take down production, get promoted"). My manager is super pleased and told me that I've set the example for everyone on how to handle this sort of thing going forward.
I'm slowly gaining my confidence back after getting fired for underperformance at my last job. Thanks again!
Index of Tactics
Get Hired
Get Promoted
W2-Maxing & Career Growth
Work Politics & Social Skills
Managing Upwards
Canada, Real Estate, & Misc.
I’ll do my best to keep this post up-to-date so it’s an easy starting place for your journey to greatness.
My DMs are open if you have topics you want covered next, questions, or coaching.
New posts are dropping every few weeks.
Invest in your success by joining as a paid reader to get the full tactics when they drop.
Like many readers, you too can turn $10/m into $10k in a juicier job offer or faster promo with winning tactics that you won’t find anywhere else.
Until next time, Fullstack out.
BowTied Fullstack is on Substack, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok
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